Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 4:

Last session, I received some emails from folks asking what kind of response did I think I'd get if my wife wasn't listening to the subliminal feed nearly 24/7. The answer then was "I don't know." The answer today is "I still don't know, but I'm pretty sure it will be less successful."

We had an argument today. OMG, right? A married couple having an argument?! That's insane!

Well, whether it was dumb luck or the affirmations/arousal cues in the first session, we didn't fight at all in that 45-day round. And, I never once felt an urge to "take care of business" myself, because she was so thoroughly milking my cock so frequently.

However, that was then, and this is now. I think I got spoiled, because I've been getting downright surly with the decrease in sexual output from the wife. Last night after she went to bed I got up, popped in one of my favorite lesbian scenes on the laptop and had a very satisfying orgasm. When she asked me what I'd done when I got up last night, I told her, and it made her very upset.

She feels like if she's not meeting my needs, I view her as a failure, and the only thing I want from her is sex, and it demeans her.

These are all attitudes I need to work on. With her. Because a lot of that is true. And I think what is happening is that her normally dominant mind is struggling with the new directives she's finding in her head that demand she beg for sex, and beg to come, and increase the desire to be submissive.

It's an interesting turn. I can't say I'm happy with how this session is running, but we're committed to running the course. We'll see what happens as we go along.

If you know anything about silent subliminal programming, please send me an email (the subliminal wife trainer at gmail). I'd love to discuss methodologies with you. I'm still new at creating my own (as opposed to just buying them) and I wonder if I'm doing them right.

Also, if you're not knowledgeable about this stuff, but would like to help fund my research, I'm looking to buy the newest version of Subliminal Recording Studio, and you can help! Hit the Paypal Donate button over yonder and give whatever you think is fair for a fun, insightful, outright wicked blog about mindfucking a woman. Anyone who gives $10 or more gets a copy of the Session 2 file I'm using during this 45-day experiment.  THANK YOU for the folks who've already donated. It means more to me than you can imagine.

See ya tomorrow!

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