Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 7:

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. Work has been crazy. Her fundraiser has been driving her insane. We are both just frazzled and at our wits' ends.

On day 7, she still had little to no sex drive, but that may be turning around. She teased a little bit about how much she loved my cock -- something she hasn't done since session one ended. She has wanted to snuggle and be close to me, and I just feel like she's absorbing what she's hearing.

The problem is, other than the increased affection -- which is a symptom of the submissive desires -- I'm not seeing any of the other key elements in the subliminals.

She hasn't started wearing nail polish, she isn't masturbating or waking up horny -- and if she's dreaming about sex, she hasn't told me about it.

Some things to consider are that

a) Maybe the subliminals don't work (this is the most popular opinion among the folks I've polled)
b) Maybe I recorded them wrong. This is my first attempt at creating a subliminal from scratch, so this is absolutely a possibility.
c) Maybe she just needs time. She's been ill and stressed, and in women especially, their mood and environment affect their libido and sex drive far more than men expect.

There's a month + of time left in session two. I will continue reporting back daily and hopefully I'll start to see the changes I'm looking for in her.

1 comment:

  1. At this point don't forget you were pushing submission. So you should be showing more dominant behavior. If you have her thinking that she is happy being a sub... You have to.give her opportunity to be a sub and that reward the behavior. your recordings should have a reward stated. So when she is rewarded and it matches the programming it will reinforce the truth within her mind. Ie. Find something she likes to.see, feel or hear. Recording tells her when she is a good sub, she gets compliments. She loves compliments.... Compliments are good....compliments feel good. Being submissive is good....
    Then compliment the hell out of her every time she shows submissive behavior.
