Saturday, September 5, 2015

Training the Wife, Mystery Subliminal, Day T-minus-2

I talked to the wife last night, and explained what I wanted to do. She was intrigued, and said she'd be willing to try it. She wanted to know what the training topic would be, and we made a compromise here. We need the topic to be unknown to the subject to make sure that we are getting a true sense of what it will be like for any wife who begins a new training regimen. But, I've also agreed that I will not train her without permission, and she gets to approve any new sessions we try.

So the compromise is this: I gave her a list of five new sessions I'm working on, and I will give her the affirmations in each, so she can make sure she doesn't have any hard stops against any of them. Then, I'll pick one of them at random, and start training her with that. Each morning she'll report any changes in she feels sexually, or if she's been thinking about or acting on any new impulses. The bonus affirmation for all of them will be the "lose weight now" because we've been doing really well with it and want to keep losing weight.

 After two weeks, we'll call the end of the experiment, and see what the final results are.

The five possible scripts are:

Intro to Bondage -- this would be a perfect file for anyone whose wife has read and enjoyed the 50 Shades books. Creates a curiosity and desire to be tied up and blindfolded.

Intro to Sex Toys -- creates a curiosity and desire to use sex toys -- both on herself and on her husband (I'm a huge fan of the Fleshlight, and always encourage couples to get one).

Touch -- based on suggestions from my readers. Creates an intense desire to be touched by her husband, and increased sensitivity to being stroked and caressed all over her body. Some women don't like being touched. She will after this one.

Intro to Hypnosis - have you ever wanted to try erotic hypnosis on your wife? This file will prime her for it. Make her more susceptible to trance, and more open to suggestion, and curious about going under.

Dreamslut - every night, your wife will dream about having crazy, wild sex with you. She'll feel like it's really happening. She might start masturbating in her sleep. She'll probably wake up horny as all hell and need to be satisfied. Good thing you'll be there to meet her needs!

Which one of these do you think I should try on her? Which one would you want to try on your wife? Let me know! Writing scripts today, recording tomorrow, and training begins on Monday!


  1. I'd be rather curious to see the dreamslut work. Nothing better than being woken up in the night with your wife all wet and horny as hell...

  2. The best part about this experiment, is that all of these files will go into to store, too, so everyone will get a chance to try them! :D


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