Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Training the Wife, Mystery Subliminal, Day Five

The wife admitted she was feeling hornier today. She's not sure if it's because of the subliminals though. She doesn't think so, but admits that it certainly could be. I take that as a good sign. Her mind is starting to weaken to the training, and soon she'll be accepting all the affirmations. Soon, we'll know exactly which mystery subliminal I've given her! (Insert evil scientist cackle here)

We have our first product recall:

If you bought Dreamslut with Ocean Sounds, and you're unhappy with the sound level, PLEASE email me at with your order number, and I'll send you a newly remastered version that has ocean levels at the same volume as all our other files. I was experimenting with a quieter sound for sleep/dream purposes, and forgot to consider that folks would be streaming this in with other files. D'oh!

More great success stories rolling in today. Also, a question was asked about our privacy policy. I will put this on the store soon, but in case anyone wanted to know, this is our specific policy:

In a nutshell, though, my privacy policy is this:

My goal is to help maintain full anonymity for all customers. To that end, I will never email you, unless you add yourself to the site's mailing list -- in which case, WordPress automatically sends emails when there's a new product announcement.

I do not care where anyone lives... the WooCommerce shopping cart will ask for an address when you create an account: make up a fake one. I don't care. I won't ever look at it, no one else will ever see it.

I do not have access to any of your financial information. My payment processor is PayPal. When you make a transaction, you are redirected to Paypal's site, where the transaction is handled securely, and I never see any of it except a receipt from PayPal saying "he's paid, send him his files."

Your privacy is a top concern. I would except the same from any similar site I shopped from.

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