Friday, July 24, 2015

Wife Testing Update

As I mentioned yesterday, she's been having some "downstairs" medical problems, so the sexual activity has fallen off, but her nightly routine in the last few days has been Intro to Cock Worship, Intro and Advanced Masturbation, and Intro to Watching Porn. I haven't seen any increase in porn, but she gave me a handjob last night that was just fantastic.

No blog updates this weekend, but adding new files to the site. We're going to add Advanced Cock Worship to the CW line... give your wife the desire to make stroking, and admiring your cock a regular habit! Also, adding files to the Anal Sex line as well, and a new Lifestyle file: Lips and Nails. If your wife doesn't wear makeup, you'll want to consider getting this one. She's going to start looking good as she plays with the idea of wearing lipstick and nail polish to bed, and starts thinking about sex every time she applies it to her fingers and lips.

Have a great weekend everyone! Don't forget there's a 25% off everything coupon available for readers of the blog: 100Customers25 -- My thanks to all of you for supporting our endeavors to create better wives!


  1. Congrats on the new addition!
    I will be buying the ACW ocean as well as the ICW and ACW silent versions a soon as they hit the store. Thanks and appreciate the hard work.
    Hope that sleep does not elude you with the new little one!

  2. We've been getting some off and on sleep -- he's down to only interrupting us twice a night. :/ UGH.

    My biggest concern is the wife. She had an ultrasound, and it looks like she has some benign cysts in her tubes that will have to be removed. So downstairs sex is going to be out of the question until we get that resolved. Fortunately she's all too happy to work me with her mouth and hands! :D

    How has your training been going? Any progress yet?

  3. That's unfortunate about the cysts... When my wife had our kid, she didn't have anything like that but had some CRAZY postpartum, which is where her sex drive dropped to 1.
    And, unfortunately, there has been no further progress since the review I submitted, but you hit the nail on the head with your last post mentioning "amount of exposure". She only has about 2-6 hours of sleeping exposure since she works nights, so we have that running against us, but with the silents, keeping them low, should allow exposure to increase. I know inside of your subliminals have an affirmation that reinforces the subliminal every time it's heard, so more exposure, ocean or silent, can't hurt.
    I'm thinking I need to adjust my approach back to: core, the CW line, and maybe the submissive slut I just saw start to hit the store. Any thoughts?

  4. Yup. Start with core and CW. Submissive Slut will be up soon, but you really want her invested in and thinking about you sexually as often as possible and those are the two best bets.
